Private Photo Vault is a photo safe that keeps all of your private pictures and videos hidden behind a password.Have any photos or videos you don't want someone to see? Hide these private pics and vids securely with Private Photo Vault.
Private Photo Vault keeps your photos and videos safe by requiring a password to view them. Private Photo Vault allows you to password protect the entire app as well as individual photo albums (double layer password security). Creating your own personal photo locker. All your secret images and videos that are protected with the app are then hidden from view of potential intruders.
Locking your private photos and videos is easy with Private Photo Vault:1) Setup account and create new pin2) Go into the first photo album already created for you3) Hit the plus button to hide pics. These photos will be removed from you gallery and locked into Private Photo Vault.4) Now you have a private photo gallery that only you can view.
PHOTO MANAGEMENT ✔ Import/Export from normal gallery✔ Email Photos✔ Text Message Photos✔ Custom Album Covers to keep safe the contents of your private album
MORE PRIVACY FEATURES✔ Private Photo Vault is hidden from your recently used apps list.✔ Keeps photos safe and secure, away from prying eyes✔ Creates a video vault that offers protection for your private videos